All County Objectives

# 117

Smart Park Maint.

Progress impacted by COVID-19. Budget constraints created by the economic impact of the pandemic may result in further objective delays or discontinuing work. Departments will complete this analysis for the December 2020 update.
By December 2020 June 2020, Parks will develop metrics for the maintenance section to implement changes for cost-effective travel time and task assignment improvements.


Key Steps

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Participate in PRIMO demonstration project, "Parks Maintenance Deployment", to collect and analyze deployment data. Implement initial deployment changes and analyze data after six months for improvements. Give all Parks maintenance workers smartphones for better communication and task  tracking. Work with Information Services to identify and begin implementing ways to use smartphones for timecard and work order tracking.
Plan Reference: Collaborating Depts:
4.A.ii, 6.D.ii CAO, ISD Maintenance Baseline Measures 100%